If I’m being honest, I’d tell you I typically wouldn’t read a post like this because I have a hard time reading fiction (let alone online fiction). That’s my bad! But, because it’s you, I did read it this morning. And I’m glad. As a father of a daughter, I’m extra glad—my princess is older now and no longer “under my spell.” But I can thank my lucky stars she is who she’s become as an authentic, gifted, and thriving young woman (and registered nurse!). As a teacher, I also knew enough not to parent like the King in your story—more like Merlin. This was a great parable.

I gather it’s a true story?

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Oh, I feel honored, and I teared up with your comment. I feel the same about fiction and this is about the only short story I've written. The other is my first post, The Trusting Bud. Yes, it is loosely based on my "story". Your daughter is very lucky to have Merlin as her dad 💜 Much gratitude for your reading and comment.

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May 21Liked by Tania Tyler 🌿

I believe I knew Alex when she was much younger, and back then I envied her bright, free spirit. But as the years went by we lost touch. I never knew about the darkness she found herself in.

But, on a desire for "something more" in my life I sought her out again. Her compassion and love shone bright! And I was one of many that she guided towards a similar path of love. I'm grateful to have found her again, and I'm blessed to call Alex my friend and teacher. And I'm so thankful she found her way out of the darkness. ❤️

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Thank you Lisa 💜 A little parable about the importance of staying connected with Nature. The way I used darkness was more about living in our conditioned life; what is expected of us or the expectations and limits we place on ourselves. 🌿

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When we are connected to Nature, we are also in harmony with ouselves. It might take years to reach a state of awareness, to break free.

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So true! Nature is the best catalyst and mirror but we still need to "do the work". That connection makes it easier.

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May 21Liked by Tania Tyler 🌿

I love this so much. I see myself in losing one’s wild, inner knowing and then resdicovering that magic within - and that it had always been there. I love epiphanies when communing with nature - but an encounter with the magical energies of Merlin , now that I want! 🪄🧝🏻‍♀️🌿🤸🏼‍♀️

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Thank you Suzy! So happy that my little story spoke to you. I feel that when we are deeply connected with Nature, those magical Merlin energies come to life within us. 💜🌿

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May 22Liked by Tania Tyler 🌿

Yes! I think sometimes I need more trust when communing with nature. I maybe doubt the messages.

Intuitive herbalism calls me and really want to carve that into my path.

There have been a number of occasions in the past few years when the right herb, tree or plant has shown itself, like magic, and Ive made a flower essence, and on a couple of those occasions, it’s only been later that I’ve realised the meaning and why a herb or flower appeared when it did. Och Tania. 🥹

The magic of it all.

The magic of being so deeply interconnected. I’m so here for all and any of your posts!🌿🪄✨Thank you for YOUR magic! 🌿

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With these beginning posts I'm working on laying the foundation so you might want to read my couple earlier ones. I'm hoping that each post will build upon the others. My last post: https://sacredenvironment.substack.com/p/how-to-and-why-keep-a-spiritual-journal is a great tool that will help you trust your messages and intuition... and it's so much fun to read back over. Let's bring more magic into our lives! 🌿 Thanks so much for the conversation! Plants ARE magical.

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May 24Liked by Tania Tyler 🌿

OOH thank you! Im heading back in time now to your last post…

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May 23Liked by Tania Tyler 🌿

I can definitely resonate with this Tania, when I was younger, magic and pretending to be a princess was my escape from feeling unhappy with home and who I was. Now I get to play in the magic world every day and not worry what anyone thinks. I have truly reclaimed my free spirit.

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Wow, yes I see that you are very much living in a magical world! Thank you for sharing your gifts 🌟

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What a beautiful story ❤️

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Thank you! Another Tania, your email address (thank you for subscribing 💜) and you write about authenticity! 😁

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May 27·edited May 27Liked by Tania Tyler 🌿

Beautiful, Tania. This deeply resonated: "And she played in the energy for some time, becoming whole again, regaining all of herself that she had hidden or given away. She let love flow through her and everything she touched. She learned that she is love and that love connects us all." 💛

To answer your question, I have had very spiritual experiences in nature. Last month in Sedona, AZ, I had one that was filled with synchronicities and moved me to tears.

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Thank you Jenn! Love that it resonated with you. I hope you have written down your Sedona experience--that would make a great start to your new spiritual journal 😉💜

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Oh, I just looked and it's on your Substack. I look forward to reading all about it 🌿

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May 28Liked by Tania Tyler 🌿

This is just lovely. It perfectly captures what it’s like to grow up trapped inside the expectations of others. I’m so glad the princess found her way back to freedom! ✨

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I think it's almost a universal theme. Thank you for reading and commenting Trudi 🌿

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May 29Liked by Tania Tyler 🌿

For sure, it’s a strong archetype!

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