May 18Liked by Tania Tyler 🌿

Your writing is very soothing and easy to read. Coherent. Calm. I love the suggestion/reminder to put some effort into to making the journal time a sacred ritual of sorts, with candle and more specified intentionality. And thanks for linking Miracle Soup! The practice of publishing work to a larger audience has introduced me to a next level of nuanced synchronicity regarding who reads what when. Beautiful 🙏

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Thank you Christoph, your words mean a lot to me! My posts are also suggestions/reminders to me and a big part of why I'm writing. I'm rediscovering a part of me that I lost into the shadows.

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May 24Liked by Tania Tyler 🌿

What a wonderful read Tania. So readable.


Can I share a magical synchronicity? This week in my Denise Linn Sacred Forest Card deck I pulled the Raven/Truth card on three separate days - or it flew out. And then tuning into Denise Linn’s Hayhouse FB live releasing her new oracle deck, the very first card she pulled was what? The truth card! Later that day, sat on my sofa looking out of the window, a raven landed on the gate post, looking in at me! Man, I just fecking love the magic that is aaaaall around us!

For so many years, my intuition was buried 6ft under, how sublime that I get to team up with it again!


I love the journal prompt: What does my soul want me to hear again? Again, I sometimes doubt what spills out and yet, it never ceases to blow me away, the clarity of it, when I read it back some time later. 🪄🥹


Thank you for the magic, Tania. 🪄

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Wow! That's a strong message then. You did notice that there is a Denise Linn quote in the post right? Raven is one of my messengers and the name of my German Shepherd 🐾

So, I would suggest going deeper into the Raven card (without paying attention the the book symbolism) or if you see another Raven outside... What message does Raven have for you? Just keep writing whatever comes up without thinking about what you are writing, no spelling corrections, etc... just let words flow. It will be a flowing through you, not from you. But I think you already have that figured out.

I'm very excited for you--reconnecting with your intuition and magic! Thank you so much for sharing Suzy! And I'm happy you found it readable; I'm striving to keep my writing accessible so people may actually try the exercises I'll be sharing.

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May 25Liked by Tania Tyler 🌿

Tania! Thank you so much for this. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Firstly, I abso-bloomin-lutely saw the quote. I also loved the Carl Jung definition of synchronicity.

I’m really grateful for the encouragement to journal about the raven (love that your German Shepherd is called Raven!), to ask what his message is rather than relying on the book (which I’ve a tendency to do - or I google ‘spiritual meaning of…’ about 658 times a day! 😂).

Big, BIIIIG love. ✨🪄🤸🏼‍♀️

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It's all about personal empowerment 😉 Because of these comments, I've decided to write a post/newsletter/whatever they are called on Substack--about this. I've taught close to 1000 Reiki classes 1:1 over the years and this was a topic I included in my classes. 🔮

BIG love back to you! 💜🌿

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May 25Liked by Tania Tyler 🌿

Hahaha! I never know what the heck to call them either…I love that Emily Charlotte Powell refers to them as ‘letters’. I think that sounds really quaint.


I’m right with you on personal empowerment. Something that had been squashed down, stripped, and pulverised so deeply in me - and I’m sure so many others - it’s a beautiful thing to heal, to piece back together. A life long journey, to be sure.

✨🪄I really look forward to that letter. 💌📪📫📬📭

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What a great read, Tania. I've been a spotty journal writer, but I love the idea of keeping a spiritual journal. I love noticing sychronicities--they make life feel magical. ✨

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Thank you Jenn! I'm not good with regular journaling but this style is fun, and doesn't need to be every day. So blessed when we can experience life's magic.

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Am I alone to decide if it’s 3 of a kind - then it’s synchronicity , else it’s a coincidence? Is there a difference?

I try to pay attention and will definitely start a journal . Haven’t hand write in a while, ( keyboard days ), it’ll be fun!

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That's a great question Liny! I feel that a synchronicity comes with a deep, heartfelt knowing--like a validation. With that, I don't feel that 3 of a kind matters much; as long as it happens naturally without seeking. 😉 Even if we were to use the name "coincidence", does that make the message any less valuable if it means something to you? The way our brain works, it will always be scanning for what it feels is important to us so even a "synchronicity" can be without meaning. Typically they wouldn't be all the same with a synchronicity--you might see something, overhear a conversation about the same and then days later maybe something pops up on your Substack feed ✨ That's what makes keeping the spiritual journal fun. It may take a while for your "message" to fully present itself to you.

Also, thank you for mentioning handwriting in your journal. Handwriting is able to access different parts of the brain and more words can usually flow. Have fun! And thank you for reading. ~Tania 🌿

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May 29Liked by Tania Tyler 🌿

Oops, I did a separate comment instead of a reply! My bad 😀

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May 29Liked by Tania Tyler 🌿

That’s a good point - go with the feeling! Different ways that the universe nudges at you!

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Journaling is great

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Thank you, Tania.. I'm going to do this. 🙏❤

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