Hi I’m Tania. Back around 1998 I left the corporate world (programming & consulting) to chase dreams and to live a life with deeper meaning. Paths change and lead to new adventures. I started an herbal products business which I closed May 2008 to concentrate more on my Reiki healing practice and teaching classes. I find it a wonderful feeling to be a catalyst for an individual’s healing and growth, to share the excitement and wonder as we explore something new. I have learned and experienced much from helping others.

Growing up I collected rocks, boxes and boxes of them. A couple shops carried my copper enameled jewelry back when I was in junior & senior high school. Much later on, crystals found their way into my healing practice to supplement the Reiki.

In September 2012 I created a new line of Reiki-infused gemstone healing jewelry, Mystic Zen Healing Jewelry. And in October 2023 I retired. I enjoy photography, watercolor painting, pen & ink as well as graphite drawing.

I walk my path with love, gratitude and compassion, feeling the interconnectedness and sacredness of all.

My life’s journey is in helping others to discover pieces of who they are, to notice the beauty in the small things, to be thankful for the challenges and lessons which allow for personal growth, and to always be true to our Self; all which promote a state of well-being, health and wholeness. I come from a line of healers, my great grandmother was the healer of her village in Poland and it continued with her relocation to Pennsylvania. I grew up taking long walks with my great grandfather pointing out all the various local plants and their medicinal uses. Learning mindfulness, patience and a reverence for Nature through fishing with my grandfather and continuing with my grandmother’s gardening and folklore knowledge.

My beautiful German Shepherd, Raven.

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🌿 Walk softly ~ Connect with Nature Discovering the sacredness of Nature.


🌿 Nature connection writer at Sacred Environment Substack with an intention to build connections and community. Enjoying learning watercolor, pen & ink and graphite drawing. We are all interconnected, we just need to act like it 💜